O2 - The Future of Retail
Currently Telco stores on the high-street are extremely sales focused and often offer customers an underwhelming experience. With shoppers generally expecting more from brands in store how will O2 differentiate itself. We worked in partnership with Apple to help redifine the future of retail, looking at future trends and shopping patterns of O2 customers.
Bring the supporting acts to the main stage
Imagine if the O2 connection to music and culture become the essence of the brand rather than the wrapper. Differentiated experiences drive traffic into the store and part of that differentiation lies in the workforce. Colleagues freed from menial tasks, empowered by technology and supported by leadership can drive positive customer experiences through building personal and authentic relationships.
Power to the people
Imagine if the colleagues’ role went beyond sales and contracts and they felt empowered to own their store becoming authentic ambassadors for the brand.
Differentiated experiences drive traffic into the store and part of that differentiation lies in the workforce. Colleagues freed from menial tasks, empowered by technology and supported by leadership can drive positive customer experiences through building personal and authentic relationships.
Consistency does not mean conformity
Imagine if O2 stores embodied the brand and its purpose, but able to represent their local communities. Providing a consistent brand experience does not mean having conformist employees or clones of stores. Stores and employees need to be given the trust and flexibility to interpret brand and its principles in a way that feels authentic and best fits their local community.
Doing more music!
Focus experience design on helping to do more: More people to more concerts, More new and local artists, More quality time
Each touchpoint sells the next…