Hi, I’m Alkesh, a designer who loves to make digital products and services that people enjoy using in their everyday lives. Over the past 10 years I’ve had the privilege of creating new and exciting products and services for Marks & Spencer, Trainline, EON, Specsavers, The Army, Costa, Vodafone, Channel 4, Ferrari and Chelsea Football Club. 

Currently I'm a Senior Product Designer at Possible, designing what's next. I use Design Thinking to collaborate, understand the brand and create innovative user experiences.


Senior Product Designer
Possible, London
2019 - Present

Senior Product Designer
Karmarama, London
2015 - 2019

Digital Designer
Nice, London 
2014 - 2015

Visual Designer
Scoop & Spoon, Vienna/London
2012 - 2014

Junior Designer
Reading Room, London
2010 - 2012



Pinterest: pinterest.co.uk/alki90
Behance:  behance.net/alkeshmakwana
Twitter: @alki26
Instagram: alkimak
LinkedIn: Alkesh Makwana